Friday, June 20, 2008

May-Jun Photos

This was Liam on his 2nd birthday - playing with trains in a Tinkerbell outfit. I say 'cute', Simon says 'cut it out'
A much loved birthday present.
Playdough fun

All rainwater runs down off the roof, down the rainwater pipes and onto the garden - no underground drainage!!

Little valleys have been created between each property to allow rainwater passage to the roadside.

Watch out Tiger

Ashley's photography

Liams hair was becoming a health issue - he was overheating with the weather. It nearly killed us to cut off his locks and we said goodbye to our bub and had to welcome a little boy.

My sister Nic flew 24 hours from Hong Kong, stayed 3 days, barely got over her jet lag before presenting a day earlier than scheduled at the airport and due to her staff stand-by arrangements didnt arrive back in H.K till 48 hours later, less a stolen bag plus misplaced luggage. We loved having her but I reckon she might think twice before visiting us again anytime soon.Ashley Webb turns 4!! And as all little girls want she requested a princess dress up birthday, complete with castle
and a princess cake
and a dragon to slay

friends Katrina, Ella and more to play witha royal paradeactivitiessword fighting and one dead dragon.

A great time was had by all.