Monday, November 10, 2008

Arts, crafts and vomit - nice!

Two weeks on and the kids are still vomiting every 4-5 days mmm mmm. I finally took them to the doctors today and was told they probably have post viral gastritis. Basically after they got the bug 1st time round it's inflamed and irritated the stomach lining. The doc prescribed them some medication to decrease acid production in the stomach - which only cost me a measly $135. Stupid bloody American health care system. Anyway we'll see it out for 2 weeks and re-assess.Am over cleaning carpet so have lined the house with towels and banned them from sitting on the couch.
In between episodes the kids are generally in good spirits, just quarantined, so doing lots of activities indoors ie. painting and good ole glue and pasta.
Liam's art workand Ashleys. She can write her own name now and has learnt a lot of other letters. Man is she growing up. In between bouts of bodily outpouring and completed quarantined requirements the kids catch up with friends. This is Ashley and Liam with Ella and her bothers, Jack and Christopher. Painting's popular at the moment.
Simon arrived at his Singapore hotel after leaving his Orlando, Florida hotel 30 hours prior and minus his luggage! I hope the players he's looking after at the moment don't mind! We have passed 'hump day' and will see him again in 2 weeks. We all miss each other terribly and are counting down the days.

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