Monday, April 27, 2009

New Orleans

Due to managment miscommunication, a much anticipated week off for Simon was exchanged for another week of work. The tournament was in Louisanna (state next to Texas) in the city of New Orleans or N'orleans depending where you're from. Rather than extend his time away from family to 5 weeks we decided a road trip was in order. Six hours later our first impression of N.O's was the army trucks below. We were already dubious about the safety factor, we didn't realise reinforcements were needed!

As we got further into town we passed the Superdome made famous following Hurricane Katrina. The supposed 'safe haven' for thousands that turned into gang turf, violence and worse. We don't think we saw any remaining effects of the hurricane in the areas we drove through however its hard to say. Many neighbourhoods look poverty stricken, run down, holes in rooftops, boarded up etc Who knows.

The town and streets have a definite European influence from its founders. Oddly enough it feels more like home or what's familiar anyway.

Our hotel was right next to the Mighty Mississipi - Simon and I broke into a deep throated voice many a time just repeating that phrase. The Miiiight-e Miss-e-sipp-eh!! (We are easily entertained).

This is the French Quarter just to the left of our hotel. Renowned for its night life, bars and music . . . unfortunately also for its crime. We didn't feel comfortable heading out much in the evenings with the kids however, we did make it to the world renowned (I can say that in hindsight) Bourbon St. Albeit 50 metres inside to a respectable restaurant but I can say we DID it.
The landscape is very flat which I guess made the water surge of Hurr. Katrina so much worse.

We were able to dine on the riverfront, watch the paddle steamers go by, listen to a jazz band in the evening sunshine with a beer and wine. The kids were entranced by the band which allowed us 15 minutes of Agghhh time. Lovely.

Sight seeing is limited with kids. I would have loved to visit the Stately homes of the garden district or tour the cemeteries and hear of the Voodoo myths of New Orleans. Alas it twas not so. . . but our other activities were still fun and the kids had a ball. At the Aquarium the kids got to touch and feed the stingrays.

At the Insectarium the kids touched bugs, walked through a butterfly garden and more.

Ash took hold of the camera. We have about 45 shots of butterflies before we could extract the camera from her hands.

The Zoo was a great day (as it is anywhere in the world) from hippos, to girrafes, zebras

and flamingos. They describe them as pink but to us they were a definite orange

Pretty all the same.

Having a week together was lovely. Simon's headed off again for another 2 weeks in Charlotte and then Florida. He arrives home Mother's Day along with my Mum and Dad (yea!). We are all excited to have them here. Love to all xx

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