Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pretty Ballerina

Ashley has been going to ballet lessons since Feb. Some days she loved it, others not so much but she stuck with it and this week we had her ballet concert. Once she had her rehearsal she realised it was not scary at all, she had a great time and danced as beautifully as any 5 year old (almost) can. It was very cute. We were very proud and awed that our little baby had grown so much.

Ashley's bday is in a couple of weeks time but we heard no complaints when Nana (& Poppa long distance) produced her pressie a little early. Who would have thought Ashley liked princesses???
Today the time came for Mum to return home. It was so lovely to have the folks here and has done wonders for my home sickness. In only 3 weeks time I'll have my lovely friend Louise here for a short spell so Iwill continue to enjoy threads of home and hopefully it will tide me over for some time. For anyone wanting to travel and a place to stay we are now taking reservations at Hotel Webbs - you are more than welcome!

Girl's Day Out

Ashley requested a movie day for the girls as the boys had their golfing day earlier this month. Unfortunately there were no G rated films showing so we opted for pedicures instead (much cheaper here for some reason). Nana, Ashley and I were loofahed, massaged, buffed, polished and wined/watered. Mum and I were in heaven and ashley was asking when we could come back next- kids do not know the definition of 'special treat'. I did however slide a business card into Simon's wallet in case he needed any suggestions for future presents.

Berry Good Hula

We bought Liam a bike for his birthday and this is about as happy and as far as he's gone on it. He's not interested in riding but we hope things change when his mates down the road get their bikes soon and he wants to keep up with the Jones. Unfortunately Mum has been struck down with a cold and a double ear infection so didn't make it to our berry farm outing. Dad, Liam, Ashley & myself however had a lovely time and enjoyed scoffing the fruits of our labour. Blackberries, blueberries and strawberries sweeter and juicier than you've ever got them at the shops. Mmmm Mmmm nature's candy! (sorry, lollies)
Ashley's kinder have practiced all year and this week put on their 'Aloha' performance for us. Carolyn I now understand what you mean when you said you cried watching your kids. It was amazing and soo beautiful. Liam however, was not so happy about being there hence the frown.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

San Antonio Tx

Simon headed off to Korea for a tournament with KJ and Mum, Dad, the kids and I jumped in the car and headed for San Antonio 4 hours away. A horrible accident and heavy rains made it a 5 hour trip in the end but we got there in time to drop off our bags and head to the much anticipated Rainforest Cafe - only to find that they had no record of our booking. Mum said We have a sick child (Liam had a cold), we've driven 5 hours to be here we're not waiting. Within 10 minutes they'd found us a table - good on ya mum! The restuarant is jungle themed and every 10 minutes the animals come to life and every half hour a thunderstorm rips through. Great for kids although ours were a little too sick and tired to truly appreciate it.

Ashley has been waiting for a SeaWorld trip for some time. Shamu the killer whale show was wet but wonderful. Liam and ashley were mesmerised as were the adults.

Free Willy yeah!!!

The whales go along and totally drench everyone in the 1st 20 rows - we were prepared with our ponchos (those around us snickered when we put them on but they weren't laughing in the end!) When the show was over we told Liam to say goodbye. Bear in mind he was unwell and very tired but Liam went OFF. Total devastation set in and no amount of consoling was going to fix it. The picture
explains better than I can.

San Antonio is reknowned for the famous "Alamo". Built in 1724 it was originally a mission, later a calvary unit and a key role in the Texas Revolution. In 1836 2oo men (including Davie Crockett) fought thousands of Mexicans in the fight for liberty. They lost! but because of their sacrifice (ie.their lives) have remained heroes in the eyes of Texas. (Gosh I sound American!!) Either way it was nice to visit and wander through the remaining structures and pretty gardens.

San Antonio is also well known for its riverwalk right through the heart of the city. It was very pretty and left me wanting for my child-free life so I could just sit at a cafe/restaurant, enjoy some good food, wine, company and soak it all up. . . . . . ahh the good ole days.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birdie, eagle, pop-par

Liam's had his very first game of golf with Daddy & Poppa (three generations). Simon & Dad got nine holes in and whilst it is still unconfirmed I believe Liam may have outdriven them on a hole or two. He had a ball (as did mum) and is very keen to go again (as is mum).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Liam's 3rd Bday

Happy 3rd Birthday Liam Boy!!! At 3 he now has a greater understanding of the term 'presents' - thank you to all relies for the wonderful gifts.
Liam wanted a dinosaur party so we dressed the lounge in a jungle theme
Donned the kids with explorer hats and binoculars and got them to follow dinosaur tracks out to the backyard where they had to go on a dino egg hunt.Then the dino mummies (paper dinos stuck to bottles) were not happy all their eggs had been taken so we had to knock em all down King Pin style.
The mummies still weren't happy so we had to throw the eggs back and run away. The eggs were filled with confetti and the kids loved smashing them.

Blogger malfunction here - download photo in landscape but keeps posting it in portrait???!! Turn your head sideways and this was Liam's Dino cake.

At the end of the day Liam and Ash spent the afternoon swimming in his new pool and having a ball. One happy three year old.

Welcome Willies!

Mother's Day was wonderful. My Mum and Dad arrived for their 1st US visit and Simon came home later that same day. I couldn't have asked for a nicer present.

After I had botched up the arrival of Simon's folks last year (got lost in the airport parking and they had no-one to greet them as they arrived) I was determined to get it right this time. I woke the kids got em in the car and was at the airport 10 mins before they landed. Then we waited and we waited and we waited - no Nana & Poppa to be found. Eventually I enquired at the counter and after some keyboard tapping I was informed that their plane had landed only they were at another airport 30 minutes away!!!! Liam was distraught, I couldn't get through to M&D and I had never been to Hobby Airport before. Long story short we got there and the hugs and love were just as good if not a little delayed.

Friday, May 8, 2009

To 3 or not to 3?

Our beautiful boy turned 3 on Tuesday - unbeknownst to him. Poor thing couldn't quite grasp the concept of the day he was born AND the day of his party. So much so that he was in tears everytime I mentioned his actual birthday. As a result he had whispered birthday wishes and love from us and the real celebrations will be next week when Daddy, Nana & Poppa are all here to celebrate his Dinosaur party. Last weekend we went along to cheer and support our friend, Jenn Wren, who completed a triathlon. The kids had fun and now Liam wants me to swim in a lake. Two chances - slim and none my friend!!