Thursday, April 22, 2010


Nana & Poppa arrived at mignight after 24 hours of travel. Just 10 hours later I had them up at the school for morning tea with Ashley (Task Master Cara). After that I made Dad earn his keep and fix the vacuum cleaner with Liam!
Mum & Dad coped quite well with their jet lag on the first day and we are all very happy to have them here - yea!
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County Fair

Carnivals, fairs, shows . . they're all pretty much the same where ever you go. This one, the Montgomery County Fair, had a little bit of a cowboy/texas/southern twist to it though. Whereas we might have the great cake competition they have a cookoff competition - brisket, ribs and lots of flavoursome meats.

The kids with their mates Koehn, Nicholas & Kaedn.

doe a dear
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Who took my children?

I lost my children for a day and gained a butterfly and a pirate
Why are they so cute? Because they arghhh!!!
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

JFK assassination site

On our way home from our bogan jaunts we quickly stopped by the site where JFK was assassinated. It was very cool, in a sick kind of way.

So the nightmare happened on Elm St and the grassy knoll was the place where many bystanders were watching the motorcade.
The crosses on the road, as you can see in the photo with the hot chick with the cool Bon Jovi t-shirt on, are the spots in which the 2 bullets made contact with the president.

The last photo if you squint hard enough shows the cross on the road and the Texas School Book Depository building where the sniper supposedly took his shot/s from.

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Bon Jovi Roadtrip

Last weekend I went on a road trip to Dallas, Tx to see the almighty Bon Jovi live in concert. On the way we stopped at Woody's Smokehouse where I hesitantly got to sample my first Beef, Turkey & Buffalo Jerky. Surprisingly quite nice with the Buffalo coming a first in my eyes. Bought some home for Mum and Dad to try when they get here in a few weeks. Close to a kabana/salami taste - right up my alley!
It was a weekend for firsts. The first for Jerky, the first for buffalo and the first for fried alligator (see below). Like most things - it tasted a bit like chicken!
This is us (me, Alice, Jen & Rachel) having our pre-concert drinks at the hotel. Does it surprise you to discover we were the average aged rockers there. Not many youngins there but plenty trying to dress like they still were!!
I had an amazing time. I sang and danced from the beginning to the end. Wish Nicole, Megan & Lou could've been with me but had an absolute ball with my substitute family. I will be forever indebted to Robert & Jason (girl's other halves) who looked after the kids for me and allowed me some Cara time (you know that person before I became a Mum??)
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Spring is Sprung

Ashley's class is learning all about plants and last week Liam and I went along to help the kids plant petunias (I think??). Ashley loved having her mum and brother along and we loved seing her in her schooling environment.
The one thing I did remember from my mum and my youth was to break up the roots a bit, everything else about gardening went out the window along with my green thumb!
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Wildflower time

The Texas wild flowers are lining the sides of the road again - it's certainly a pretty time of year. Unlike Melbourne the gardens and lawns are at their greenest in Summer here. In winter everything is brown and dry looking.
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Monday, April 5, 2010


I think this year was the first year we haven't had to move Easter to accommodate Simon's travels! A mean feat in itself. The kids followed a trail of Easter Bunny footprints to find their cocoa, fat and sugar surprise. We then escaped to the great outdoors for a fabulous Easter egg hunt and eventually sat down to a roast lamb for lunch. Unfortunately the kids didn't feel like eating dinner for lunch and the cut of lamb was less than favourable, not that my dear husband tried to let on! We had a good time none-the-less. Simon has gone on to the mecca of all golf tournaments - Augusta. KJ has turned things around this year and got himself back into the top 50 which has warranted another trip to the Masters for Simon. The future of Webb family time is somewhat sketchy from this point on - due to player rankings the 2 guys will probably be on different schedules, often planned weeks off are traded for a last minute tournament entry in hopes of achieving good results and add in the fact that we (kids & I) are coming home for a month in June. So any stolen moments we can squeeze in during the coming months will be savoured and we will hold dear the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" and maybe "that which does not kill you only makes you stronger" . . . and stupider!

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