Friday, February 5, 2010

Washington on the Brazo

Before it was a state of America Texas stood on its own as the Republic of Texas (1836 - 1845) - before that it was ruled by Mexico. Texans are a very proud people and I guess in comparison to some states it has a lot more history.

We travelled an hour to Washington, Texas to Washington on the Brazo. It is the site of "Independence Hall" where the formal declaration of independence from Mexico took place in 1835. It is set on a beautiful state park where we enjoyed a picnic lunch. In the park we could hear tapping and hard as it was Brian located a woodpecker high up in the trees and we got great delight seeing him in action. The first picture was as far as my little point and shoot would zoom in - so you can imagine how hard he was to spot. The second picture I cropped so you might be able to see ole Woody.We then went through the museum and followed the timeline of the Texas Revolution. And following that we walked through the Barrington Living History Farm . It's a representation of the farm founded by Dr. Anson Jones, last President of the Republic of Texas.
The interpreters/actors/workers at Barrington Living History Farm conduct themselves much as did the earliest residents of the original farmstead, raising cotton, corn, cattle and hogs. Visitors take a step into the lives of Barrington’s earliest residents and participate in daily activities to better understand what life was like over 150 years ago.

Milling corn
Making butter by hand.

Good old fashioned, non-digital, fun

The original, hand carved wooden horse

One of the slaves quarters

Wood carving lesson

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