Saturday, February 13, 2010

The zoo again

Ashley survives an elephant stampede and Liam has a ROAR-off with a lioness (I know who I'd put $5 on)

San Diego and in particular the stretch along the coast where we stayed reminded us of home and the Rosebud/Portsea/Sorrento strip. The abundance of gum trees certainly aided that nostalgic feeling too. Planted back in the 1850s it was promised to be great for ship builders however the strain of eucalypt they planted split & curled. Currently it has been referred to as an invasive pest. Me, I just wanted to hug one!!

Simon found another "What The?@#!%"
If you read this plaque from the Zoo's Australian Outback section you'll see about half way down that "Australian marsupials may be found in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea. . . "

I didn't know Tasi got so pissed off with the rest of Oz that it bacame it's own country!
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